Wilmott's Bubbler

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Aim : To demonstrate the effect of light on photosynthesis

Materials Required : Wilmott’s Bubbler, Hydrilla plant, water, light source


Fill the Wilmotts Bubbler with water. Take a twig of Hydrilla plant. Cut the base with a sharp blade. Insert the plant in the bubler with cut stem pointing the bubbler. Care should be taken that no air bubble get trapped in the apparatus. Place the apparatus in shade. Count the number of bubbles that arise from the stem per minute. Repeat the counting twice. Now place the apparatus in light. Wait for 1 minute and then count the number of bubbles that arise. Repeat the counting twice.


Air bubbles that arise from the cut surface is oxygen produced by photosynthesis. More air bubbles can be seen when apparatus is kept under direct light. That is direct light enhances photosynthesis